Fish Compatability Question


New Member
I have a Sailfin Tang, Maroon Clown, Fiji Blue Devil Damsel, Watchman Goby and a Lawnmower Blenny in my 75 gallon reef tank. Want a Coral Beauty Angel but the guy at my LFS store said the Tang would probably kill it. His suggestion was to either (1) put my Tang in my 55-gallon that has nothing but LR and LS at the moment or (2) get another Tang for my 75-gallon instead of the Angel. Both ideas sound crazy to me! Will the Tang (young, about 3 inches) hurt the Angel?


Active Member
im suprized the damsel didnt kill the tang. If you have another tank set up ready for fish and you really want the angel get it if they doint get along put the angel in the 55 not the tang the angel can go in a 55 the tang cant


New Member
Both of those replies helped me very much! I put the clown in a couple of weeks ago and the tang was fine so I think she will be okay with the angel. And the compatability chart agrees. The damsel has to go but I have no one who wants him. He may be banished to my 10-gallon. Thanks for your replies!


that lfs guy is nuts, he thinks another tang would do better than a angel with getting along with the sailfin? i'd say not getting info from this guy anymore.