Fish Compatability?


Active Member
Is anyone out there keeping a Powder Blue Tang and Desjardini Sailfin Tang in the same tank succesfully? Thanks!


(dont tell the mods! at they have a fish comp. chart)
mods my deepest apologies for suggesting a website


Active Member
Thanks for your help! Unfortunately that only breaks it down by tangs/surgeonfish in general not the sub-species of tangs. I know some tangs get along well other tangs (ie - some Zebrasoma may get along with some Acanthurus who may get along with some Ctenochaetus, etc) and some will fight. I am just wondering if anyone is keeping a Powder Blue and a Desjardini Sailfin Tang together peacefully? I have them in my tank already and they seem to be getting along well (other than the initial territorial fighting of course). I just didn't want to find out from a long list of people that this was a bad combination or I would have moved one to another one of my tanks.


Active Member
One other addition. He is going to take care of my flatworm problem for me(not really a problem because they aren't hurting anything- just unsightly). With a big fuge, 120lbs of sand and 250lbs of LR I have always had pods walking on top of pods so he should be a good addition to my system.