fish compatablility


I'm selling one of my tanks and moving my 120. In the next month I'm getting a 240g 8' long. Will the following fish get along?
bi-color angel
majestic angel
african leopard wrasse
perc clown
yellow tang
blue hippo tang
fridmani orchid
psychedelic mandarin
firefish gobies (2)
hector goby
high fin red banded goby
pistol shrimp
blood red fire shrimp
scarlet cleaner shrimp
scarlet crabs
marble star
I also have a maroon clown which I know is out of the question. These fish are in different tanks and need to be condensed while my new tank cycles. My main concern is the bi-color and the majestic. I know lots of angels don't get along.


your still not qualfied to give advice....
inless you have a lot of experience with fish i would recommend not getting the mandarin or lepord wrasse...other than that it looks pretty good


I wouldn't get a Mandarin right away.
You need a good deal of live rock and a thriving pod population to keep them happy.
I can't recollect how much live rock you need, but it's been rattled off a lot. Do a search and you'll have your answers.
Never had an african leopard wrasse so I can not comment.


New Member
Well i would be careful if your angels are both pygme's you might be ok with the tank you have now but if you have two sleeper gobies or a sleeper goby and a jawfish there is going to be some hostility in your tank unless what i have heard is all false but just be carefule.


My real concern was the angels, the over population is VERY temporary, so I'll do big water changes and watch my levels. Plus most of the fish are still small. Thanks.