Fish Compatibility Qs


New Member
Compatibility for a 55 gallon tank:

How many Clownfish can you keep in a 55? If you had a bonded pair would you get babies? Could two bonded pairs of different Clown species coexist peacefully?

Can you have more than one species of Blenny in a tank? If only one species, do they do best in pairs, groups, or solo?

Do Sexy Shrimp get a long with Fire Shrimp?

Would a Boxing/Pom Pom Crab harm a fan worm, sea slug, cucumber, Blenny, emerald crab, or shrimp?

Would a Dwarf Angelfish and a Yellow Eyed Kol Tang get along?

Does anyone know anything about the disposition of a Wantanabei Angel (Genicanthus watanabei)?



Well-Known Member
Lol ok only 1 pair of clowns in a 55. Blenny yes but depends on type and when there added.crabs if hungry will eat almost anything if they can get it. Angel and tang yes but a 55 isn't big enough for both


New Member
Originally Posted by jay0705 http:///t/396404/fish-compatibility-qs#post_3531992
Lol ok only 1 pair of clowns in a 55. Blenny yes but depends on type and when there added.crabs if hungry will eat almost anything if they can get it. Angel and tang yes but a 55 isn't big enough for both

Haha yeah I might've dumped every question I have into one post!

Anyway, thanks for the reply! I figured one clown pair, but I wasn't sure (still wondering about the baby bit...?)

For the blennies, I was thinking horned, orange spotted, and golden midas. Should one of each be fine?

Does that mean the crab is peaceful if kept properly fed or that I should forgo it?

(Geez, I did it again. Sorry! I have a lot of questions and no one to ask...