Fish Compatibility


Can you mix gobies and blennies? And if so, can a lawnmower blenny and a banded watchman goby be friends in a 40g tank?


Active Member
no one is for sure on that. some people would say that blennys do get along with gobies and some wouldnt. well i have a scooter blenny, firefish goby, and a diamond goby. everything seems fine


I'm thinking that I want a blenny for my next fish (only a clown so far, along with the janitorial crew) but I need my nitrate lvl to come back down first right? Readings last night before a water change were:
PH - 8.2
Ammonia - 0
Nitrites - 0
Nitrates - 20 ppm
SG - 1.022
I added 12lbs of cured LR, along with 8lbs of base rock at the beginning of this week... and w/o the QT being set up I risked it and added them straight to the tank. Thankfully (so far at least) it hasn't come back to haunt me.
I have done alot with the 40g and the 26g QT is almost ready. Just got finished with the paint last night on the QT. I'll post some pics this weekend on what I've gotten done. I'm excited for when all the main setup stuff will be DONE! Then I only have to worry about homes for fishies and corals :cheer:
So much work I didn't realize ahead of time... :sigh:


Active Member
In my personal experience my LMB first killed my shrimp goby (they were added together so there was no territory already established and were first fish in tank) within 48 hours of being added, and then it took weeks to get my LMB to eat algae tabs- wouldn't touch pellet or flake or algae sheets. Some LMB are pigs, mine almost starved to death since he ate up all of the algae in my tank in a week. This is a rather common occurance which I was not aware of until I was having problems. Many LMB starve within months in tanks under 90 gallons. He then began attacking my pygmy angel when I added her so I traded him in. I do not want to discourage you, LMB are one of my faves- wish it had worked out better.