Fish Compatibility


New Member
We've been researching the right fish for our tank. Here's our wishlist. We know that we will not be able to have all of the fish on the list, but what does everyone think of the choices?
Here's tank specs:
90 gal
80 # LS
100 # LR
Small frag Xenia
3 small Zoas
4-5" Sailfin Tang
4-5" Maroon Clown
2" Tomato Clown
3 Cleaner Shrimp
1 Purple Urchin
6 Turbo Snails
2 Turben Snails
6 or so Small Hermits
I've read posts on other forums that the Sailfin Tang is too big for our tank. From our understanding, since he was one of the first to be added he will be too aggressive towards any other Tangs we add. We will be removing both clowns before adding anything (and now probably the Sailfin as well).
Wish List
1. Kole Tang
2. Yellow Tang
3. Mandarin Dragonet
4. Harbour Goby
5. Lawnmower Blenny
6. Mated pair of clowns (any suggestions on type??)
We really like a moving sandbed and would like to have smaller bottom dwellers like the Mandarin and Blenny, any others that we could add as well?
Thanks for your help.


Active Member
Is the first list what is already in the tank? If so...the sailfin will definitely outgrow your tank. I have also heard that mixing clowns is a bad idea...and maroons are MEAN!
The second list doesn't look too bad, I would lose the yellow tang as they have been known to get a little on the territorial/mean side. The kole tang is one of the smaller tangs and should be ok...or you could do a search on "bristletooth tomini tang"...they stay even smaller while still providing some decent color. The mandarin needs an established tank, which I am sure you know if you have researched. For color, you could also take a chance on a dwarf angel (they are hit and miss with corals). I don't know anything about the harbour goby, but looking at SWF's info, you should be ok.


Originally Posted by SaltyWaters
We've been researching the right fish for our tank. Here's our wishlist. We know that we will not be able to have all of the fish on the list, but what does everyone think of the choices?
Here's tank specs:
90 gal
80 # LS
100 # LR
Small frag Xenia
3 small Zoas
4-5" Sailfin Tang Your tank is far to small for this fish
4-5" Maroon Clown
2" Tomato Clown
3 Cleaner Shrimp
1 Purple Urchin
6 Turbo Snails
2 Turben Snails
6 or so Small Hermits
I've read posts on other forums that the Sailfin Tang is too big for our tank. From our understanding, since he was one of the first to be added he will be too aggressive towards any other Tangs we add. We will be removing both clowns before adding anything (and now probably the Sailfin as well). Yes, your tank is far too small for a Sailfin Tang. They grow rather quickly and can be extremely aggressive. My sailfin is definitely the boss of my tank.
Wish List
1. Kole Tang
2. Yellow Tang
3. Mandarin Dragonet
4. Harbour Goby
5. Lawnmower Blenny
6. Mated pair of clowns (any suggestions on type??)
Ocellaris are very peaceful as far as clowns go. Maroons are mean. Since you already own a tomato and a maroon, why not try to pair one of them up with another?
We really like a moving sandbed and would like to have smaller bottom dwellers like the Mandarin and Blenny, any others that we could add as well?
You have a large enough tank to do more than one goby. I love my harbor goby (it's more well known as a Sleeper Banded Bullet Goby or Bullet Goby). I also have a mated pair of yellow watchmen gobies with him and all three are fine together.
Thanks for your help.

You really need to up your CUC if you're going to have that kind of stock list (more snails and hermits). You may want to look into Cerith Snails, Nassarius Snails and Trochus Snails.
Personally, I would not do more than one Tang in anything under 100G, so choose either the Kole OR the Yellow. Consider doing one tang and maybe a Dwarf Angel

Since you own an urchin, if you decide on the Kole Tang, you may want to consider a different blenny since the Lawnmower needs a lot of algae to eat and many starve in home tanks. The competition for algae between a Kole Tang, Urchin and Lawnmower Blenny may be a little much.
Here's what I'd do
Tail Spot or Midas Blenny or Lawnmower Blenny
Goby (2 - Sleeper Banded Bullet aka Harbor Goby and a Yellow Watchman or some other goby)
1 Small Tang (Kole or Yellow)
2 Clownfish
1 Dwarf Angelfish (Coral Beauty & Flame are both excellent canidates)
Flasher Wrasse?
Maybe 2-3 Anthias (Bartlett and Dispars stay small and peaceful and would work well in your tank) or Chromis or Cardinals.


Active Member
I am a bit confused from your post as well. To me, it sounds like your are getting rid of your current fish, the Sailfin and the Tomato/Maroon. And want to go with your "Wish List," I don't foresee any major problems with those 6 fish. A few notes though.
A mandarin really isn't a "bottom dweller." More of a rock/hide in the ride dweller.
The mandarin, Harbor Goby, and LMB will stick close to the rocks/substrate. The clowns will stick to whatever they host. If that is the list of fish you want, go for it (opposed to me naming off fish I like that you might necessarily not). But I would personally add some type of more open water column swimmer for a bit more activity. Wrasses, hogfish, dwarf angel, etc.