Fish dead.. HELP


I have a 40 gallon tank. I had a coral beauty, yellow tang, clownfish and a lawn mower blenney. The coral beauty died and did not show any signs of disease. A few days later the blenny died. The next day the yellow tang died, and the day after that the clownfish died. I tested the water every day and everything was fine. I still have five hermit crabs living. I think it might have been a bacterial infection due to the fact that none showed any sign of diseases. I want to add more fish, am i ok to put more fish in or do i need to completly start the tank over? Any opinion would be great!


Active Member
The fact that your fish died and not your inverts indicates some type of parasitic infection and not necessarily the one(s) commonly referred to as "ich" in the hobby. Source was most likely your LFS.
Give your tank a month or more with no fish and these parasites will die off. If you buy fish from the same infected source however you should expect the same results.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rcmcg
I have a 40 gallon tank. I had a coral beauty, yellow tang, clownfish and a lawn mower blenney.
A 40 gallon cannot support a coral beauty and a yellow tang for starters.
Denise M.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Merredeth
A 40 gallon cannot support a coral beauty and a yellow tang for starters.
Denise M.



Active Member
Originally Posted by Murph
The fact that your fish died and not your inverts indicates some type of parasitic infection and not necessarily the one(s) commonly referred to as "ich" in the hobby. Source was most likely your LFS.
Give your tank a month or more with no fish and these parasites will die off. If you buy fish from the same infected source however you should expect the same results.
Research has shown that atleast 6wks, 8 wks being better to allow the tank to run fallow ( no fish) ick has an ugly head, it can live for more that one month!!
I would also do a major water change, at least 20-25 % to be sure it wasn't caused by high nutrients. Then remember to quarantine everything before going back into the system.
I also wouldn't put any tangs into this tank, too small, too much stress. Please note that I am in no way trying to flame or hurt your feelings, we all have been guilty of pushing the limit at one time or another. Just remember to research what fish to put in what size tank.