Fish deaths from lions?


Has any of you had a fish die(a very cool fish like a puffer,eel,blue tang)by the spines on a lionfish?:notsure:


nope.....lionfish use them strictly as defensive weapons. So if you have a harassing fiish which picks on said lionfish, expect the lion to retaliate. Thats said unless its a small fish and gets tagged multiple times, the fish usually survive the lionfish attack.


:happyfish Hi, yes I have known fish to die because of lions. Accidents happen like anything. I had a racoon butterly fish full size, beautiful fish! The racoon got startled by whatever and so did the lion and he poked those spines forward and they colided accidentaly. The next morning he was dead.
Accidents happen even with fish. The volitan didn't mean to he just got startled by whatever, a fish, his refelction, whatever. In general lionfish are peacable fish, and all my fish sleep together at night with the lion, sometimes on top of him. He just lays down his spines. Hope this was of some help. :happyfish


Active Member
I've never had a lion take out a cool fish, or any fish for that matter, except a couple silversides he was supposed to take out.:D
That being said, you should have no trouble at all, my lions are never aggressive, and even if they do tag a fish, it should be alright. As FMarini said, your fish should take a couple spines to do major damage, depending on the size of course.


Active Member
Can't say I have lost one due to a sting, but several have come close and needed special attention to help recover.