New Member
I have had my 120 gal tank running for about 6 months. I started with 2 damsels added a choc chip star,snails and crabs they did fine.Then a clown,cleaner shrimp clowns got ich treated with kick ich shrimp and clowns died.Got another clown he`s doing great!.Then a yellow tang doing great.Got anenome it died got another cleaner shrimp it died. Got a emper angel it died after a week. Then a few weeks later got a khol tang he died after a week and a half. Now got a naso tang he`s been fine except not eating to good a couple small flakes a day turned on lights this morning and he`s undder a rock and wont come out his breathing doesn`t look stressed looks like he has a couple 2 or 3 spots on his face they look like tiny water bubbles.My readings are PH- 8.2 gravity is 1.025 ammonia is 0 nitrites 0 nitrates 20ppm were high yesterday did water change last night I use bottled water done with reverse osmosis. Phosphate level is 0.1 Also have a brittle star for 2 months he`s doing good.And a koran angel added about a month ago doing good. We only buy 1 fish at a time we use the drip method to acclimate we wait at least a week usually longer before adding another fish.I don`t understand what is going on some do good but others die in about 5 or 6 days> PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!! :notsure: :scared: :scared: