Fish diseases


New Member
I recently bought several saltwater fish from a local pet store. One canary fang blenny, One lawnmower blenny and Two Firefish gobies. I purchased them 6 days ago. One of the firefish gobies disappeared several days ago and since then the other firefish goby has developed a cotton looking spot on his tailfin and the scales from the tailfin forward a few millimeters looked like they were sticking up or ruffled forward. the other two fish I bought seem to be unaffected at this point. All my water quality levels are great.
Can anyone tell me what this may be and how to treat it?


Staff member
ajarhead, welcome to Sorry you arrived here with fish troubles. First off, let me tell you that it is not a good practice to buy so many fish at once. Also, the best thing to do when getting a new fish is to quarantine it so that you can treat the fish prior to it going into your display tank. Please check out the posts on quarantine in the FAQ Thread.
With your fish in the display, you really can't treat it. What kind of tank do you have?? How long have you had it set up? Could you post up your water readings. Also, what is the size of the "cotton" area you are referring to on the firefish?


New Member
I have re-setup, about a month ago, a 55 gal reef setup. It has 2-3 inches (70 lbs) of aroganite-reef live sand. 100+ lbs of fiji live rock. I am using ro/di water. The salinity 1.024, ph 8.3, temp 76.5, 0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, 0 nitrates. calcium 400+ppm, there no corals yet just inverts. 1- bali star, 2 peppermint shrimp, 15 trochus snails, 15 astrea snails, 15 blue leg hermit, 15 red leg hermit, 3 queen conch, 3 tonga snails/conch, 2 horseshoe crabs, 2 porcelain crabs.
the lighting is Hamilton Tech hood w/ 175 MH 14K, and 2-30 W actinic flourescent.
The spot was on the fish was about 1/16 of inch. The firefish would not eat the brine shrimp or emerald entree i fed, but did seem to be eating the zooplex i added out of the current. the fish is not swimming erratically, rubbing or anything like that.
no heavy breathing or gasping. i did not see him at all yesterday or today yet. he may be deceased at this point and havent seen his counterpart either. The yellow fang blenny is not eating anything fed to him but seems to be eating off the live rock and seems very healthy. Lawnmower also seems okay and is eating shrimp pellets and brine shrimp. :notsure: