Fish Dying 2 left.

My fish were all in perfect shape until yesterday. I came home and my beauty coral was dead, my lionfish laying on the bottom of the tank with his fins in just laying there. He wasnt breathing hard or anything just wouldnt move. He died last night as well. I did a 30% water chance. This morning I woke up and my Wrasse was dead. I checked my water and every thing shows up perfect, I had ***** double check as well and their tests shows perfect too. It is in a 29 gallon tank.
I had a Small lionfish, a small lunar wrasse, the beauty coral angel, and 2 clownfish.
As i said until yesterday all was going great, i just dont get it. My two clownfish are still alive but are now just swimming along the bottom.... What do I do?


Active Member
What do you mean by perfect?? What were the readings??
Give us more info on your tank...filtration, etc.

noah's nemo

I'm not trying to be mean,but did you get the fish from pet-co.I have never seen a healthy looking fish in that place,and if yours is like mine the holding tanks are like 12-15 inch cubes.Terrible conditions.You may have just got sick fish.A 29 may not be big enough for all those fish either.
Ive got a tetra whisper filter 30
The Heater
Readings are:
PH: 7.8
Nitrate:40 (higher then yesterday)?
Sal: 1.022
Originally Posted by Noah's Nemo
I'm not trying to be mean,but did you get the fish from pet-co.I have never seen a healthy looking fish in that place,and if yours is like mine the holding tanks are like 12-15 inch cubes.Terrible conditions.You may have just got sick fish.A 29 may not be big enough for all those fish either.
Yes I did actually. The tank is small, I have been watching levels closely and was about to move to a bigger tank.
My lunar wrasse would swim to the top then float down, then swim up and float down all last night, Thats what on of my clown fish was doing and now he is laying on his side, other is still swimming. Whatever it is almost seems to make them retarded till exhaustion or something.

noah's nemo

Check your ammonia....Als a tetra filter is probably not your best bet,HOB are fine to use but,get an aquaclear or emperor


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Immortal4419
Ive got a tetra whisper filter 30
The Heater
Readings are:
PH: 7.8
Nitrate:40 (higher then yesterday)?
Sal: 1.022

I am so sorry to hear of your troubles.
I think 29g is way too small fo a lion fish.
How long was the tank up and running?
7.8 Ph is way too low...8.0-8.4 is where it should be.
An air stone is not for saltwater tanks, you need a power head to create current, saltwater does not have good oxygen the current is necessary to draw air from the top to push it through the rest of the tank.
Do you have live rock besides the filter? What about a skimmer?
Did you test for ammonia, alkalinity, phosphates and calcium?
I can't believe ***** told you all was Okay.
Originally Posted by Flower

I am so sorry to hear of your troubles.
How long was the tank up and running?
7.8 Ph is way too low...8.0-8.4 is where it should be.
An air stone is not for saltwater tanks, you need a power head to create current, saltwater does not have good oxygen the current is necessary to draw air from the top to push it through the rest of the tank.
Do you have live rock besides the filter? What about a skimmer?
Did you test for ammonia, alkalinity, phosphates and calcium?
I can't believe ***** told you all was Okay.

I did not have any strips left with Ammonia at home, Again they said all looked good, I did not test for others. I was also told to get the airstone from there. Awesome. I do currently have 5 pieces of live rock, I know I could use more, but I was working on the larger tank. No Skimmer.
Down to 1 clownfish.

noah's nemo

IMO,you do not need a skimmer.I have never used one.It sounds like your fish are dying from high ammonia...I may sound cold or rude but i'm not.Flower just comes off alot sweeter than me,but with a name like that you kinda have to.
Originally Posted by Noah's Nemo
IMO,you do not need a skimmer.I have never used one.It sounds like your fish are dying from high ammonia...I may sound cold or rude but i'm not.Flower just comes off alot sweeter than me,but with a name like that you kinda have to.

Im not taking it cold. I want to know whats wrong. I really feel pretty miss informed while I thought I was doing very well and was being instructed properly.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Immortal4419
I did not have any strips left with Ammonia at home, Again they said all looked good, I did not test for others. I was also told to get the airstone from there. Awesome. I do currently have 5 pieces of live rock, I know I could use more, but I was working on the larger tank. No Skimmer.
Down to 1 clownfish.

I am so sorry to hear its still crashing. It looks like you must start over.
Don't purchase any more critters until you do some reading on basic saltwater aquarium keeping, you need a better understanding of what is needed to keep it healthy and why. You need marine test kits, not dip sticks. You need more rock and good power head at the very least.
A power head right now may save your last clownfish. How long has this tank been up and running? I ask because I am not even sure it cycled. Nitrite at .5???
Originally Posted by Flower

I am so sorry to hear its still crashing. It looks like you must start over.
Don't purchase any more critters until you do some reading on basic saltwater aquarium keeping, you need a better understanding of what is needed to keep it healthy and why. You need marine test kits, not dip sticks. You need more rock and good power head at the very least.
A power head right now may save your last clownfish. How long has this tank been up and running? I ask because I am not even sure it cycled. Nitrite at .5???
Yes it looks as though I will need to start over, but your right im not doing it until I learn a lot more. I waited a long time before I started with a lot of trips to *****, Thinking i was doing it right (as i said) I will be doing a lot of reading and listening on these forums for a while.
Also my tank has been up for about 6 months. Everything was wonderful till last night.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Noah's Nemo
IMO,you do not need a skimmer.I have never used one.It sounds like your fish are dying from high ammonia...I may sound cold or rude but i'm not.Flower just comes off alot sweeter than me,but with a name like that you kinda have to.

A skimmer pulls yuck out of the water you can't even test for. It may not be needful if you have enough live rock and this soul does not, a skimmer may help. I have to agree with the ammonia thing, I wonder if the tank fully cycled.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Immortal4419
Yes it looks as though I will need to start over, but your right im not doing it until I learn a lot more. I waited a long time before I started with a lot of trips to *****, Thinking i was doing it right (as i said) I will be doing a lot of reading and listening on these forums for a while.
Also my tank has been up for about 6 months. Everything was wonderful till last night.

Scratch the cycle comment.
This board will help you allot. Concentrate on buying more live rock, a power head and a good book on saltwater aquariums. When you feel ready to try again, get a marine test kit and make sure everything is set and ready before you add one fish..Only one, and make sure it is all happy for about two weeks before you add another.
We are here for you, don't be afraid to ask lots of questions. We all make our mistakes.

noah's nemo

I was wondering that also,or if the tank is cycling right now.LR is a big MUST.In a 29 i would want at least 125 has about 150lbs.
It does sound like a start over situation.At least you found this site,now you just need to do searches and read.Every question you have has been asked 10x over here
Originally Posted by Flower

Scratch the cycle comment.
This board will help you allot. Concentrate on buying more live rock, a power head and a good book on saltwater aquariums. When you feel ready to try again, get a marine test kit and make sure everything is set and ready before you add one fish..Only one, and make sure it is all happy for about two weeks before you add another.
We are here for you, don't be afraid to ask lots of questions. We all make our mistakes.
Thanks guys. Im just really pissed. I hate being told wrong/lied to. Trust me im gonna do some serious research now.


Well-Known Member

A good book would have saved you all this loss. Live and learn, some lessons are harder than others.
I killed a bunch of my fish once when I was messing with my tank after blowing my nose with lotion puffs tissues.


Active Member
Considering the tank is waaaaaaay to small for a lion or a lunare... I would say they fouled the water or something was introduced..
Test strips suck, ***** sucks..
Do some more reading before re-stocking the tank..