fish dying


New Member
I have been losing fish and I can't seem to find out why. I have had the water tested by two different places who all say it is fine. I'm not sure what to do next. Any advice?


Staff member
Provide details about your tank and exactly what happens when you bring home fish. What type of fish are you choosing?
Can you take your own water tests?


How long has your tank been set-up, what size is it, what type of filtration, what are your H20 readings, are you proplerly acclimating them, what kind of fish are you buying? These are all important questions that need to be answered before people can give you advice.


New Member
My tank is 80 gallon. I have a kit to test my own water and the readings seem to come out good. That is why I tookl some water to two different places to see if they came up with anything and they also said the water was fine. The fish I was losing the most were the yellow tangs. I also lost an atlantic blue tang, some yellow jawfish and a few misc. I haven't lost any fish in a few weeks now. I've had this tank set up since Dec. I acclimate the fish using the drip method. Thanks for you help.

who dey

Active Member
do u have a uv sterilizer!! don't buy anymore fish until you get one! it will kill any floating disease in the tank and your fish will be very happy, I had a perc with ick did a 50% water change and bought the uv and he was better than ever in 3 days! good luck. if all your fish are dead don't add any for about 3 weeks to let the disease burn off.