reef dude
Ok, heres the story. Today at work(local fish store) my boss/owner of the store brought in a bunch of nice pieces of LR from his tank that had a bunch of caulerpa and tiny red mushrooms on them. So i brought home 3 nice pieces. 2 pieces of rock had apprx. 3-4 tiny mushrooms a little bit smaller than a penny or a dime. 2 hours later i came back to my tank and one of the rocks was completely missing the mushrooms and the other rock had about 2 left, but they were all chewed up and had chunks missing from them. Could any of my fish have done this? My red sea sailfin tang ate just about everything off of my rocks when i bought him, and he eats like a pig. could he be a suspect? I also have a marine betta, longnose hawk, fire gobies, clown, yellow wrasse.