Fish Eggs?


Hey everyone. Got a question about all these little white things all over my glass and LR. They just started appearing about 2-3 weeks ago. I have a couple of anemones and three true percs, which if they are eggs they are from them. They are pretty hard to scrape off but I've had too b/c they are overtaking the tank so it looks horrible. I cant take real clear pics with my camera so I cant get a good photo of these things, but they are small and from the ones on the glass I can tell there is a clear covering and then a little while spec inside. If they are eggs how long do they take to hatch? If its not too long then I will let them hatch for a good treat for the other fish, if its long I will just scrape them off b/c they make the tank look horrible.


I have had them, they come and go, I was told they are a type of hard shell worm. Similar to a feather duster. But I cant verify that. They come of easy with a algae glass scraper, they will not return for a while but they will. Then just scrape them again.


Active Member
Could be a number of things - but not eggs from the anemones or fish.
Probably they are either snail eggs, or hard spirorbid worms. Either would be fine to scrape off if they are a nuisance to you.