fish eventually


New Member
Eventually I'm going to get some fish. :) So as a beginner I was thinking of the following, please let me know if this sounds alright.
'First a damselfish, either a blue or a neon
'a hermit crab or two
'later a mated pair of sebae clownfish
'A redlip bleeny or a yellow goby
'eventually a Blackcap basslet (although I hear they are expensive so maybe a strawberry gramma instead)
'And lastly a black cucumber for the sandbed
I'm hoping this will very colorful and pretty if everything goes well. From what I've read I believe all of this fish are aggressive, will be compatible and should leave the hermit crab(s) alone. Can anyone tell me if this sounds okay, or give me some other suggestions? Thanks! :D

sinner's girl

the clown and the damsle may fight. i've heard and seen some fight...but i don't know if the kind you want will fight. never had a Blackcap basslet or a strawberry gramma so i can't comment on that.
a hermit or two? you can add more then that...i'd also add a few snails (to keep the glasss clean)


about Damsel and Clown
in my personal experience, they can be co-existed no fight on what whose ever
about Clown and BlackCab (or Royal Gramma)
you gonna need alot of live rocks and many small caves for the Black to hide
My BlackCab always hide in the cave untill I came home from work
they my fishs start to show up
dont have any experince on blenny and clown
I think you are bushing your bio-load limit here


you would be pushing your bioload with that many fish. maby consider taking 1 or 2 off of your list. as far as inverts they dont add that much to the bioload so you should be ok with them