Fish Expos?


Active Member
in the reptile side of life there r expos where u can buy herps and supplies. is there anything like that for saltwater fish? if so where r they usually and when? whens the next one?


I MAY be wrong but it is hard enough to move 1,000's of herps for a two day expo but think about fish. they would have to move 1,000's of pounds of aquariums into a building ,cycle them, ship fish in water by themselves with cirrculation from all over the country, for a two day expo mybe 3 then break it all down again and ship the fish back! alot would prob. die and i dont think it would work but man it would be cool if it did! those reptile expos are a blast!


Active Member
ya, the ones down in manchester r the best, only becuz ppl from evrywhere come. it seems the only place that beats new englad when it comes to herp shows is florida. id drive 24 hrs just to look at em.


yep Tampa is pretty cool! what kind of herps do u keep? I have a 3 year old Mali Uro heres a picture


Active Member
i just have snakes, im limited on space and lizards need more space than snakes. i used to have an awesome black and white tegu. really nasty but awesome all the same. he sadly died of internal parasites. im trying to setup a tropical community tank. i mite build one that has a sort of island only supported by 4 poles and get a caiman, ive got a friend whos willing to take it if it gets out of hand. put some neat geckos and other stuff, mantellas, maybe even a baby green tree python, i pulled it off once but it died of some weird reason.


i wouldnt put anything w/ a caiman and if ur pushed for space i wouldnt get one they somewhat stay small but unless u walk him or let em in ur backyard theres really no sized "tank" for them in my opinion. and they take alot of nerve to keep i saw one snap at a guy i kno at a LPS. what kind of snake u got? i wanted an emerald but i couldnt beat my $40 uro!


Active Member
yea you cant keep a caiman inside.. they would need a LOT more than that they may be a smaller alligator but that doesnt make them house pets!


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well i have limited space in my room, but this tank would be in our den where evry1 could see. and they would be separated, i do plan on him getting big, i have a friend creatively named croc girl for her collection of crocodilians, also my lfs/reptile store has a pretty big tank that theyve kept caimans in b4. and i might get like a big kitty pool and close off a section of my basement.


u can keep a betta in a bowl but i bet hed like a 75g! we take animals into our homes as "pets" and the least we can do is respect their needs. but its your choice and your the one that has to live with it. and another thing is if u cant support something for life dont get it because plans fall through and its not fair to the animals that get stuck in the middle. after that please dont think im a jerk thats telling u what to do im just sharing some advice, Blizz


Active Member
its ok, i dont hate u *puts knife away* i decided a yellow anaconda is a bettr choice becuz i already have an adequate space for him


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a twelve or thirteen year old boy thinking of getting anaconda and caiman... these are animals that would gladly kill you and you are more than likely way to small to fight back... well i highly doubt you will ever actually own either.. it would take crazy parents.. you've really got to think more about possibly waiting till your older and could fight back if you needed to.. i'm not trying to be rude but you're obviously not really thinking here?


Active Member
to be honest yes there are in some state clubs and reef clubs through out the nation. here in michigan we have alot of what are called swaps these are held by reef clubs and private indeviduals where we buy trade and sell live stock corals and new and used equipment to other hobbiest in our areas.some of the locals stores also get involved in this as sponsers so we get discounted pricing on there products too.not only do we save$$ on stuff we also have alot of way to find these is do a search for local reefing forums in your state


I'm not trying to flame you but please be careful with your exotic pet purchases. Often times, people in their quest to have neat and unusual pets fail to think about the eventual size , temperament, nutritional requirements (food and proper lighting for digestion), safety constraints, specialized vet care, diseases transmittable to humans, social needs, etc. The average yellow anaconda grows to almost 10 ft, weighs 350-400 lbs., and has a nasty temperament. Even the dwarf Caiman gets to about 5 ft. and I've been told the American Alligator has a milder less aggressive disposition. Sorry, but I really believe these types of wild animals need to remain in nature. I used to live next to a big cat rescue and it is so heartbreaking to see a beautiful animal caged and then mistreated because the person that got them can't care for them properly and they can't be released back into the wild. Then there is the problem of escaping/releasing non-native species. Years ago, I lived in an apartment building where a guy's 15 ft. python managed to escape and a friend of mine lives near a herp store that allowed a savannah monitor to escape into the surrounding neighborhood. Not only that, experts estimate that 90% of reptiles in captivity die within a year and there are stories of exotics killing the owners every now and again too.


Active Member
dont worry i wouldnt open the cage w/o some1 over my shoulder, especially w/ a 10ft snake or 5ft caiman. ive already got a snake that could very well get 12ft, but usually only maxes out at 8ft. i think that owning herps for morethan half my life (not very impressive but hey, it was a hell of a long time in my book) has given me time to explore this hobby (herps not swf) the only death that was sort of me is when i was 8 i bought a mantell from my lfs, put it under a heat lmap w/ no humidity. one of my rainbow boas died only becu it was wild caught and would not eat. my 3ft tegu died becuz it got worms from a wild caught mouse my

brother fed him while i was at a friends house. so far my interest in herps has lead me to one of my alltime favorite ppl, bob myers owner of the rattlesnake musuem in old town albuquereque. that place is awesome
it has more herps than the LA, san diego, and bronx zoom combined. well so far my herps havent come very close to killing me (tegu left me w/ a very open gash for a week or so) so i figure my herping will be sort of a jump start to life, mybe when im 16 ill open a little breeder business to make an extra buck. but thats gonna be awhile, ill need another boa, python and brazilian rainbow. evry expo my dad says this is ur last snake, he started saying that when i just had a python and kingsnake.


Active Member
i have shnieders dwarf caimen in a huge enclosure, it can be done with all the right requirments, but ill be the first to say you need the money to keep them as they do eat alot!