Fish finally...and a LFS


I finally have fish in my aquarium! :jumping: I just got back from a LFS (well, almost 1 hr away) that I finally got a chance to check out. Small but nice store. They only sell fish. In the marine section, they have 3 reef tank had a pair of 6" clarkii clowns and 3 other fish. Everybody looked quite healthy. I brought home a maroon clown & a small chocolate chip star that I'm now acclimating. It will be nice to see movement in my aquarium again!


thanks for your comments! It was through everyone's help on here that I now have a "fish plan" and know what fish NOT to get, what ones I do want, and pretty sure what order to add them (I will ask questions if I'm not sure). The next addition will most likely be a fuzzy dwarf in about 4-6 weeks, if all goes well with these guys. This store I was in had some nice looking fish though... :thinking: (but no lions in stock at the moment).
I will add pictures hopefully within a couple days - I have been meaning to, even if it was only of my rocks; but I have been busy trying to get this aquarium suitable for life again. (It cycled of course with the 45 lbs of rock I added 3-4 weeks ago.)


becareful with the cholate chip star...... and ur snails... he ate most of mine when i had him!!!


I don't have any snails. I only had 1 brittle star left over from the last time who had survived all this time. I knew better (again, thanks to all of you
) than to get a clean up crew for my aquarium with the fish I want to add.
So far, the chocolate chip star and the maroon clown seem happy in there. About 5 seconds after I added the star to the tank, he started climbing the sides. The maroon clown has investigated most of the caves I have in the rock and is now out swimming near the top of the water.


by the way...I forgot to add earlier that the chocolate chip star has 6 legs! The fish store didn't want to sell him-they like keeping him around, but he was the only one they had in stock. It's cool looking. I promise I will get some pics up within a day or two for you all.