fish food


New Member
I have a yellow tang, juvenule emperor angel fish, and two percula clowns. What type of food should I feed them and how often should I feed them. Also what is a good vitamin to use. And how often should you give them vitamins


Some people like to say to give the Tangs Romane lettuce, brocolli, etc. I don't really agree with this, cause they don't eat much and it just makes a mess in the tank. Plus, these foods don't really have a whole lot of nutrients that the fish can use...
Try giving them a great seaweed. Seaweed selects has some great stuff that fish love to devour...
Also, I have had some god awful experiences with lettuce clips :)
You put a small piece of seaweed or something in there, and WHAT A MESS!!!!!!
Now, twice a day I just break off 2 very small pieces of seaweed, let them sit in some tank water for a few minutes, and throw them in.
The fish devour it in no time, and there is just about zero mess :)
Also, Spirulina flakes are great. They love 'em. Your Tangs will also love some meaty foods like Brine Shrimp, which is fine as long as they're getting their vegetation as well...
Just my opinion...
Well, a lot of people on this board know a lot more, so I'll shut up now and let them answer :)


Active Member
Mitch 24 gave you some good advice the only thing I do in addition is let the seaweed selects soak in Zoe for 15 min and try mysis shrimp instead of or in addition to brine. Mysis are much better.

reef boy

New Member
For the tang and angle I would get a lettuce clip and put some lettuce or a green on it once every other day. I would also feed a frozen food that had spirula in it ( the clown will eat it too) I would feed that on the days you don't put the letttuce clip in and on the days you do put the lettuce clip in I would feed brine shrimp or blood worms (frozen or live).

mr . salty

Active Member
I agree that Romane is bad,But broccoli is full of vitamins.especially A,and C. If you can get them to eat it. Mine will pick at the tips,but I figure if they eat even a little,it's better than none. I also feed shrimp,seaweed selects,and Aquadine flake.All treated with ZOE alternatly.STEVE


I was putting brocolli in for a while...
My Tang was picking a bit :)
I like brocolli more than most things cause it doesn't make too much of a mess.
But, a couple of times I forgot to take it out for a day and WOW :)
That stuff goes bad quick, doesn't it :)
haha... It stinks :)
I've never seen Mysis shrimp. I'm gonna look for it at the lfs...