Fish for 120gal



woohoo first post excited... I have a 120 gal tank with 80 pounds live rock in tank wet/dry with in sump skimmer. The substrate is the plain gravel(3 inches deep) that comes in many colors used in frshwater tanks. So far I have a med Yellow Tang and a med Kole Tang. Looking for a few more colorfull fish plus maybe an Eel. Any Ideas would be great. Also added a 10 gal sump with 20 pounds of live rock to use as a refugium but dont know what else to put in it as far as plants,live sand or critters goes. Thank You


I just got a royal gramma today sooo pretty and colorful yellow/purple you can look into psudochromis they come in a few different bright colors but only one of any of these is best in a tank so I've been told Angels are beautiful two of my favorites are the coral beauty and the flame angel also one per tank- but these should be put in last. Congrats and good luck!


since your waiting for other suggestions how about a clown fish but these guys aren't that big ANYONE this is a big tank room for big fish wish I did!


If you are going to get an eel, you are going to have to make your other choices carefully. Small fish will become expensive meals.


You're gonna have to pull out that gravel - its gonna fill up with uneaten food and poop and your tank will become unstable - it also has no ph buffering capabilites. You have two choices - use a thinly spread layer of CC on the bottom of the tank or add 3 inches or so of argonite sand. It will look much better as well.
Refugiums are great - get some macro algae to consume nitrates -


DPittman thank you, had a funny feeling someone was gonna say take out the gravel. oh well there goes sunday. Amphiprion are some eels better than others when it comes to mixing them with other fish?
Obviously don't buy any fish until after you change your substrate and give the tank a little while to re-gain any stability that was lost in connection with the change.
Re: snowflakes and crabs: I had a snowflake for many years without crabs-will a snowflake pose a threat to very hard "shelled" crabs (e.g. hermits) or just crabs without a hard (sea) shell?