Fish For 180gal


I have ordered an 180 gal tank, should be here in two weeks, after ten years of being out of sw fish. I am going to have a couple of eels, not set on which ones. I am planing on building a PVC tunnel system under the sand for the eels to house. Planning on 50/50 ratio of live sand dead sand. (lfs said that the live sand would take over in 6-8 months) 50gal sump filter with protien skimmer. I would like to put three to four triggers in also, I realy like the looks of triggers but not set on them. Is this to may triggers or are triggers and eels not a good mix?
I am planning on adding a second tank (400 to 500 range) in 12 to 18 months to handle growth of fish and also additional fish in the future.
Thank you for any suggestions.