Fish for 24g nano


Active Member
pair of ocellaris clowns, purple ro red firefish, maybea watchman goby, some kinds of blenny. bicolor are cool. There are tons of different fish that would do well in a 24.


thanks im trying to get some ideas she keeps trying to put stuff in my 120 reef that i really dont want so im trying to keep her happy lol


Originally Posted by zanoshanox
pair of ocellaris clowns, purple ro red firefish, maybea watchman goby, some kinds of blenny. bicolor are cool. There are tons of different fish that would do well in a 24.
I agree with all of those and would like to add the Royal Gramma, and Cardnial fish.


Originally Posted by feixjai
in my 24 i have a goldband maroon, purple firefish, royal gramma, coral beauty.
Nice List,
I like it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by feixjai
in my 24 i have a goldband maroon, purple firefish, royal gramma, coral beauty.

I have a coral beauty too in my 25 gal along with a fuzzy dwarf lionfish, yellowtail damsel and a pair of ocellaris clowns.
Very peaceful tank and fun to watch, I need more live rock though.
Your list of fish is very nice...

What do you feed your coral beauty?

shark bait

Originally Posted by Debbie
I have a coral beauty too in my 25 gal along with a fuzzy dwarf lionfish, yellowtail damsel and a pair of ocellaris clowns.
Very peaceful tank and fun to watch, I need more live rock though.
Your list of fish is very nice...

What do you feed your coral beauty?

love this fish. But are you going to reef it out, If not a Flame angel is so cool... Not the best reef fish and not as hardy as the coral beauty, but a very over looked fish this is going to give you some ohhhh and ahhhhwas... JMO.


Active Member
I am pretty maxed out in the tank right now. I would not add another angel to this tank. If I had a much much bigger tank I sure would. The angels are so pretty to look at all of them and their swimming movement is just beautiful.
It was a toss up between the coral beauty and the flame. But I love the coral beauty more and such a nice friendly fish too. MIne is out in the open all the time. The odd dash behind the rocks but quickly comes back out.
My main thing now is to get more rock for my tank. It is dear in price here so little by little I will get the amount I need. I do have three types of mushrooms but that is about all for corals. I don't have the high tech light for the corals so the easy things like mushrooms are doing very well in my tank.

shark bait

Take some pics of your tank I have 2 36g trash cans of 1 year old tonga and marshall island rock from my 150 reef i took down to start my new 315 g tank and I will not be using much rock work for the main tank only in the sump. So I can look at you tank, and send you some pics of what I have if you would like to get some great rock.


Active Member
Thank you so much for the kind offer. I live in Canada, getting that stuff across the line here will not work. Our regulations here are absolutley crazy. That is why I envy all you Americans as you have such a great variety and access to all your fish, corals and rock.
We pay $9.99 - 15.00 per pound here in Canada. So that is why I buy a little at a time. Easier on the pocket book to.
Thanks again for the kind offer....


heres a list
2 percula clown
royal gramma
3 bangaii cardinals that would be cool
but you could keep maybe 1 more fish


I keep this in the same tank size:
2 - false Percs
1 - royal Gramma
1 - golden headed sleeper goby
They all seem happy and active.
Also a lot of corals and cleaner crew of course...


So far I have 2 Ocellaris Clowns and 2 Yellow Watchman gobies... Adding a sixline wrasse in the future or perhaps 2 chromis.
A large variety of damsels will fit as well but are more aggressive.


Originally Posted by Debbie
I have a coral beauty too in my 25 gal along with a fuzzy dwarf lionfish

I heard these two fish need a bigger tank? I wanted to put a Coral Beauty in my 29 gal I am setting up, but heard they need atleast a 50 gal. I heard the same about the fuzzy dwarf lionfish. That much be a gorgeous tank to look at though, I love those fish!


New Member
Melody- I'm in WPB too.....I see you do bully rescue, that's great! I am very new to this, just set up a 46 gallon tank...still cycling....It would be great to compare where we get our suppiles and fish from, I have not found many good stores in our area. Email me if ya want, I would love to share experiences especially since I am just getting into marine tanks too.


Originally Posted by Gatrpetvet
Melody- I'm in WPB too.....I see you do bully rescue, that's great! I am very new to this, just set up a 46 gallon tank...still cycling....It would be great to compare where we get our suppiles and fish from, I have not found many good stores in our area. Email me if ya want, I would love to share experiences especially since I am just getting into marine tanks too.

Hey Karen, what is your email? I know of a few good places around here! I havent yet bought any fish (still cycling here too, seems like its going to take forever!) Good luck with your tank!
