fish for 29 gallon?

i plan on starting a 29 gallon SW setup, with a 4" DSB and about 30 lbs of live rock.
i plan on having 2 clownfish.. would like at least one other fish.. any recommendations? my girlfriend would like a hippo tang or maybe a royal gamma.
if it grows, thats ok, within the next 18 months im probably going to upgrade to a 120 gallon when i move into my own house.


go for a blenny, or a mandarin, madaring arecool looking! looks like god was stoned when he made them :p


I don't think I would try a hippo in that small of a tank. They need plenty of space to swim, and get stressed easily if they don't. And, that leads to various diseases and eventual death. I would wait until you actually have the 120 going. But that's just my 2 cents. I would stick with clowns, various gobies, six-line wrasse, maybe a coral beauty angel.


All my inhabitants get along well . The gramma will spend alot of time in his cave and the firefish about half his time. Otherwise I only now worry about the green brittlestar. Lots of personality and fun to hand feed but now he is getting big. I have also verified that he has eaten two gorgonians and one small zenia frag. . . believe it or not