Fish for 38 gallon reef tank


I have a 38g tank with 30lbs live rock and 40lbs of live sand. I will be adding about 15lbs more of live rock eventually and that will be it. Tank is 29"x11.75" surface area inner diameter.
Equip: powerhead, wet/dry filter, protein skimmer, 150w heater, and 130w 30" actinic combo light
Tank has almost finished cycling. Ammonia is at 0 and nitrites are steadily declining (currently at 5ppm). This is after only 11 days. Seems like it cycled fast (used 2 damsels and 3 green chromis w/ liverock and livesand).
I want to have 3 green chromis, 2 false percula clowns, 1 coral beauty, and 1 goby along with a cleaner crew and about 3 shrimp total for the final setup. In about a half year or so I plan to add 250w MH lighting and some anemones.
Tank is 29"x11.75" surface area inner diameter.
Is this too many fish? Should I subsitute a blenny for the 3 chromis? Should I add all fish at once or in a certain order? Any other problems?
Thanks for reading!


I would be very cautious about adding additional bio-load at this time. Definitly no angels. Stick with cheap fish for now. As I had to learn the hard way, I would wait 6 months before adding anything with substancial cost. The key here is patience, patience, patience!


So should I take out the damsels and add a goby and cleaner crew? Will the LFS give me credit/partial credit for the damsels? (I bought them there) I would like to get a cleaning crew in there pretty soon to clean/stir up sand and algae.
EDIT: I'm about to go on vacation; the earliest I will be able to add anything will be about 2 weeks from today.