fish for 55gal thanks


hey all.. im back.. have been busy for a bit.. now that my tank been completely cycled and good to go... and i have the time im gonna addon to my tank...
ok brief summary
after a month of cycling i got the Gold Stripe Maroon Clown... 2 clarkii clown.. 2 fire fish... and flame angel
after about a week... 4 fish died.... and there's evidence of scars on the dead fish... deaths of 2 Clarkii Clown and
2 firefish...
i see evidence of the marroon going after the firefish... big bully... so i decided to let things go for a bit... itz been around 7 weeks.. and now there is only my flame angel and marroon left...
now addons... i want a trigger or tang.... big time... but i know my tank is too small... is there any type that would fit my 55g...
i also worry about compatible i dont want any more fish deaths.. any other addons would be appreciated... inverts or any such
i jus ordered fiji live rock also.. gettin ready to start my reef


well justphong im sorry you lost those fish.
if you want a tang, you know your tank is to small. teh only tang i really thing can do best in 55g tank is a Yellow tang. but you have to what his behavior. this guy need a lot of space to suim. but it wil be the only tang i thing will do ok in a 55g
about triggers, the only one will be a Undulate Triggerfish, but IMO all trigger even incluiding a Undulate Triggerfish need at least a 100g tank. i really dont know why some people thing this guy can do well in a 55g when he get to 1 feet long. do you imagine that ina 50g tank. :nope:


Active Member

Originally posted by justphong
hey all.. im back.. have been busy for a bit.. now that my tank been completely cycled and good to go... and i have the time im gonna addon to my tank...
ok brief summary
after a month of cycling i got the Gold Stripe Maroon Clown... 2 clarkii clown.. 2 fire fish... and flame angel
after about a week... 4 fish died.... and there's evidence of scars on the dead fish... deaths of 2 Clarkii Clown and
2 firefish...
i see evidence of the marroon going after the firefish... big bully... so i decided to let things go for a bit... itz been around 7 weeks.. and now there is only my flame angel and marroon left...
now addons... i want a trigger or tang.... big time... but i know my tank is too small... is there any type that would fit my 55g...
i also worry about compatible i dont want any more fish deaths.. any other addons would be appreciated... inverts or any such
i jus ordered fiji live rock also.. gettin ready to start my reef

First of are you going to have reef or aggresive tank. About your fish that died I doubt your clownfish killed all of them. Maybe the clarki's because you shouldn't put 2 speices of clowns in the same tank. I think you added to many fish at once, only add like 1 fish a month.


Active Member
It probably was the clown actually. Mixing species of clowns is a big no no. I tried that once, terrible results. Good luck with yer new setup though.