Fish for 75g


New Member
I have a 75g tank that is ready to start adding some fish. Which fish do better in pairs? I know clowns, but what about gobys, basslets, dottybacks, etc? Usually I deal with FW cichlids, so I know about agression problems and don't want to cause anymore than possible.


Active Member
Actually cclowns and cardinals are the only ones that do better in pairs. Most like to be in a group with an odd number or kept single.


New Member
So will it be cool to keep 3 gobys? On second thought, I would probably be better off getting one of each species to vary the variety......


Active Member
Usually gobies are kept single, certain ones can be paired but not a group of three. Liek you said I would keep a variety the only thing I like paired is the clown and cardinals.