Fish for a 10 gallon?


How would pipe fish do in a 10 gallon tank? and could I have more than 1? My wife also really would like to get a clown? Would like a percula mix well with a pipe fish or two and can I have that many fish in a 10 since they are smaller fish or would it overload the system? I'm assuming you want to know the tanks complete background check for this question.
I just set it up so these are much in the future. I have mostly DIY rock with a like live rock to seed it. for filtration I have an AC 110 moded to a refugium. Parameters are all good.


Can I get just the 2 percs? I would like a pipefish or two. They are cool fish or would that be to much fish or would the pipefish not do well in a 10 gallon?


Active Member
IMO no more than 2 percs in a 10 gallon. I really don't know enough about pipefish to help you out there.


Active Member
pipefish are very much like seahorses. They need a slower flow and they can not compete with other fish very well for food. If you can spot feed them so that you know that they are getting fed and that the clowns are not eating all of the food, then I think you might be okay.


Active Member
I checked it out online and found a fish called a Yellow Stripe Clingfish
(Diademichthys lineatus) that would work. I don't think it's a pipefish but it kinda looks like one. :happyfish


New Member
I think you will find a 10 gall tank will be hard to look after, If anything does go wrong, it will change the tank perimeters so quickly.
good luck with your set up. :happyfish


Active Member
Contrary to what a lot of folks may say, I have yet to find a small tank any harder to maintain than a giant tank is, other than temperature control but with a bit of dedication and experimenting "prior" to adding any fish its still 100% doable. I am not familiar with a p ipe fish but from what I see and hear they do best in a setup like seahorses do best in or in company with seahorse's.....


Active Member
I set up a 15 gal with rock and water from my 150. Its been set up 4 months, and except for temp issues in the beginning, my water stays stable. I do a 1/3 water change every week, so that could be why. i have 4 small fish in it, and no problems at all. I also have a pistol shrimp and sexy shrimp, both doing fine. I also have some coral frags from some corals in my 150.