fish for a 30 gallon



I recently lost my only 3 fish to an ich like disease. I had a bicolor blenny, a tomaton clown and a purple tang. What fish would you recommend for a 30 gallon for me to start over with?


Just a couple of questions. Has your tank cycled? Did you find the cause of the disease? Also I would have to say a Tang is out of the question for your tank. They need a bigger tank. Unless you get them when they are very small and plan on getting a larger tank. Percs are always a favorite and they are very hardy fish. HTH


Tangs are way too small for that size tank. I would go with percs or a dwarf angel. They are neat with nice colors. Also, a school of Green Chromis swimming together is neat to watch too.


Active Member
FIRST THING, buy nothing at all, let the tank go for one month, the ick will die off itself, if you have lr and sand, you should be ok for bacteria, but you do not want to add anything that can get ick itself for one month(after your last death)
how old wasyour tank,
adn did you quarentine your fish b4 introducing
and for your answer, i like fire fish, clowns and cardinals for that size of tank, may be even a blenny , but yes, NO tangs should be added


Well I had had my fish since September. I added an anemone about a week before they died. I don't know if maybe that had something to do with it. The tang a had was a juvenile and gorgeous. Thanks for all the advice. I may go with some of your suggestions. Also what do you think of the fish packages from SWF?