Fish for my 90 gallon tank


New Member
I notice that all you guys with aggressive setups have tanks over 100 gallons, am I barking up the wrong tree trying to set up my 90 gallon tank with lions, eels and wrasses and angels :(


I am just re setting up my 90 gallon tank,the fish I have in it are, a harlequin tusk, a grren bird wrasse, a hippo tang,and a banded snake eel. You can keep aggressive fish in a 90, just not really aggressive triggers, or anything that is going to get too big. I plan on putting in a masked puffer,a volitan lion, and a emperor angel in my tank over the next few months. Dont liston to people that will tell you that you can only hane 2 or 3 nice size fish in a 90 gallon tank, their thinking of full grone fish, and going by the stupid wrong rule of 1inch of fish per 5 gallons. You have to create a balance in the chemistry of the your biological filtration and the amount of fish waste. As long as you have a good protein skimmer, and suffeciant filtration you will be alright. My filtration consists of a Hang on Berlin Turbo skimmer, 100lbs. of live sand,120lbs. of live rock,a uv sterilizer,a wet/dry(that I only use for a sump,I took out the Bio Balls),a aqua clear power filter,and 5 270gph powerheads. This is the same way the tank was set up before and I never had a single problem. The thing that I have seen that works the best in this hobby is to stop listening to people that think they are experts and go with what works for you.


i dont think that a person should stop listening to the so called experts becasue alot of them do know what they are talking about because they have done it before, granted a good filtration system is good, but the reason that people think of fish as full grown is eventually they will be that way, for example the volatain lionfish will grow alot within a year


I am not talking about experts that write books,they pretty much know what their talking about,but people that have been doing this for a few months that think they know everything.


Another thing that I forgot was, a volitan lion is going to grow, but it is not going to grow to 15 inches in a year. Fish dont grow that fast. When they do grow as your fish get larger so does your biological capacity. The only fish that you could have problems with are triggers that get aggressive when they get larger. You dont buy giant fish to start with.


Active Member
I do not want to get in another discussion of fish size versus tank size I will say only one thing here. That is anyone who does not take into consideration the size the fish will get to if well taken care of (unless they are willing to buy bigger tanks as needed) is only admitting they have not thought the plan out or never had a fish live long enough to grow full size. If you want to say that only the printed word in books should be followed I wonder what books have been read. Every reference book I have discusses the problem with large fish being shoved into tanks that will be to small down the road. Nuff said Although I feel the stuff here is about to hit the fan. This is one of those discussions I try to tell myself to stay out of but darn it common sense tells me someone may believe what was posted.


It is common sence that when a fish does get to big for the tank you either get a bigger tank or fing a good home for the large fish. That is why I have a 180 gallon tank for when the fish get to be large. I just dont like it when someone will say to someone with a 90 gallon tank they can keep 3 fish. If you take time stocking and start out with medium sized fish, it works. I am not saying you can fit 10, 10" triggers in a 90 gallon tank.