Fish for nano?


New Member
Can someone recommend a colorful, reef safe fish for the famous 12G Nano? Currently, I do not have corals, but I may add some in the future, and I do not believe in "getting rid" of pets.


Active Member
i saw a royal gramma at the lfs store the other day and it was so bright. i was tempted to get it but didnt have any extra money


Active Member

Originally posted by NVMYCJ
Very cool lookin' fishy! Will it go well with my mandarin and clown? Thanks for the pic.

I don't think you'll be able to sustain enough of a pod population in a 10 gallon for the mandarin. :thinking:
Also, 3 fish is pushing the bioload for a 10. :D


I've had the mandarin for about 3.5 months. Doing O.K. I fell for the mandarin suggestion by my LFS. With the reading I've done on, I came to find out the truth. Any suggestions on supplemental feedings for my mandarin.
What's the maximum amount of fish anyone's had in a 10 gallon and what type were they.
Thanks for the tips!