fish for thought

i have an 80 gallon tank i just started and was interesting in putting colorful fish in it and ones that will be compatible with each other

sea goblin

ok, first off, welcome to the board. Second, how long has the tank been set up for, and are you cycling it? Also, what do you have for sand, how much? and do you have any live rock in there yet? if so how much? if not..are you planning on getting any? What kind of a tank do you want to have, reef, fish only or fish with live rock? There is a wide variety of fish that will go nicely into your size tank. Is there anything that you like inparticular? also, remember that many fish need to go into a tank that is stable and mature, so dont rush into anything yet. Go slow, ask questions here, and good luck.
Sea Goblin
well thanks for replying, i would like a fish only tank, it has been set up for and running about 4 weeks or so filter and all it has a fuval 404, and two powerhead 802, on it. sand wise, i have about three inches of sand, and probably about 20-30 lbs of rock for hiding and swimming through. i am staying away from invertabrates, and the live rock. i would like as much color as possible but i also know just as ina painting you have to have some dull color to bring out the bright.

sea goblin

OK, well it will be best to start with a good hardy fish as your first choice. Over time as the tank matures you will be able to look into some of the more delicate, and demanding species. Many people like clown fish, they are very colorful, full of personality and generally a hardy fish. Perhaps a school of green chromis as well. They are another hardy fish, and in a tank your size you could have a nice little school of maybe 5 or so. They arent the most colorful fish in the world, but still very nice IMO. Lets see, sixline wrasse and fire fish are nice too. Down the road, maybe a dwarf angel, one of the smaller tangs, lots and lots of differant fish to choose from. Look at some of the fish that are for sale on this site for referance, they arent all the fish available on the market, but they offer a good variety of the core specimens that people commonly keep.
Sea Goblin


As I have been looking into what I want in my tank I have been using web sites for pictures and compatibility. The sale lists on SWF show prices and have descriptions that will enable you to decide if that species is right for you. I also use the books I own to help my decision. Check into the compatibility charts to ensure an appropriate mix. good luck.
thank you all of your input. how would some damsels work for a starter fish, can they be aggressive and territorial??? if so do i have to take them out, put the other fish in and move stuff around so it looks like a mew place for the damsel??? i actaully was looking at a yellow tang down the line, and i like the mandrine gobies, they are so colorful, but i know if i get them i will have to let the tank "cure" for a while. is it better to go with the 4 gallons of water per inch of fish or two gallons per inch?
thanks again:D :)