fish from swf???????


I am planning on restocking my tank in the near future and im planning on getting a few fish from here. Has anyone ordered a flame angel from swf, if so how is there quality of coloration, and for that matter what about the color and quality of other fish?


I've had 2 orders from swf so far. Only 2 casualties, a small purple urchin & the gold rim tang. The tang looked very skinny & died the next morning although she looked good & was active after acclimation. All of the other fish are awesome, very colorful, active & good eaters. Think the tang was a fluke & I will buy more fish from swf. Don't forget they have a 15 day guarantee which will be honored. After buying fish locally I much prefer swf. BTW I have a flame angel, not bought from them. She's an awesome & highly colorful little gal. It would be very difficult to get one that isn't colorful unless they are way sick & half did.


Active Member
I bought a flame angel from here and it is very colorful and in excellent condition. I buy most of my stuff from swf.


all my fish from here have been great and healthy besides my percula clowns they died in 4 days i emailed and never heard anything back, but i dont have a camera to post the pics so my lose. The quality of the fish was great though and even my powder blue did great upon arrival


Active Member
Originally Posted by moatdaddy
all my fish from here have been great and healthy besides my percula clowns they died in 4 days i emailed and never heard anything back, but i dont have a camera to post the pics so my lose. The quality of the fish was great though and even my powder blue did great upon arrival

You could of just sent them back with your info and they would of sent you a replacement code.


I bought a FA from here he died from being beaten up he was very colorful.
But be careful sometimes SWF fish can be small. No offense


I've had my 3rd casualty; a green chromis. When I found it was breathing heavily & belly up. Died within 2 minutes of netting him. 2 of the 5 shaving brush plants seem to be turning white from the pretty green they are. Looks like they are on their way out too. Half the turbos (in 1 bag of 50, ordered 100) have gone belly up too(live in 90 gal). The other 50 are great & doing their job(live in 125 gal). I keep checking water parameters & all is well there too. If anything were amiss in the 90 gal. my hippo tang would have been the 1st to inform me. Boy, I sure hope nothing else decides to go belly up. So far they are all acting good & no signs of problems from anenomes or soft corals.


Originally Posted by ctgretzky9
I have no comment on getting fish through internet. Take it as you may.
Easy corals and hard goods....sure.
As much as i hate to say i think i agree with you on this but maybe im just being chicken.


Active Member
Alot of us have no choice but to buy through the net. I don't have a decent lfs ANYWHERE around my house.


yes this is were im getting my flame angle i have heard all fish have great coloration on this sitee