Fish Gone Blind?


New Member
I have a Volitan Lion since May of '04 that has done very well in my 75 gallon tank and grown to about 6" in body length. His eyes are crystal clear and looks absolutely fantastic. He stopped eating 6 days ago and bumps into everything in the tank. I got him to eat using a feeding prong and putting krill in his face. If I put in a minnow it swims right up to him and he doesn't flinch. I think he has gone blind (several others have told me this can happen). Someone suggested it may be a bacterial infection that may be cureable. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


Staff member
Are the eyes clear or cloudy?
I'll also post your thread over in our Aggressive Forum, to see what lionfish owners think.


New Member
His eyes are crystal clear. He's a beautiful fish, that's what's kind of strange. He continues to eat from the feeding prong, so he's doing better.


Staff member
That is very odd. Does he bump into rocks, the glass?
What are your water readings?