Fish got rocked by the ich


I woke up this morning and all of my fish got rocked by the ich. Know clue what so ever of what to do. Any advice to maybe change this before the fish die.


Active Member
You'll need to take all of your fish out and put them in a QT tank. I would recommend using the hyposalinity treatment to cure ich. The fish will need to be in the QT for about three weeks. Remember, just because you don't see the white spots doesn't mean the ich is gone. That's why it's important to keep the fish in hyposalinity for a few weeks after the spots are gone. If you don't have a QT, make sure you buy one big enough to house all your fish happily. :)
There is information on hyposalinity in the second thread down from the top of the page.


Do you have inverts or LR in your tank? If not, I would just do the hypo straight in your main tank and bump up the nutritional aspect of your feeding. Get a good vitamin supplement and make sure there's stabilized VIT C and Omega Fatty Acids..soak in food for 5-10 minutes prior to feeding your fish.
If you only have LR in your tank, I would rec. taking it out of the tank(depending on how much you have) and then doing the hypo.. If you can't take out the LR or have inverts, your last bet is a QT. Good luck and if you have reccurrent bouts of ick infections, consider doing the hypo in your tank. Sometimes this parasite can live past 4 weeks(not by much but it happens) especially if you have LR in your tank.