Fish hanging around the top??


For some reason most of my fish are hanging around the top of the tank. Also, the colors on them have been really off. I have a black Grouper that is damn near white. Everything in the tank is off in color. I dont test my own water. I take it to my lfs and they told me that it was perfect, "Some of the best i've seen". I made sure that a person who knows saltwater tested it because I wanted to get a accurate reading. I started to think they were not getting enough oxygen. I have two Fluval 404's, one of the jets is completly submurged and the other one is blowing the top of the water to where I get the annoying water running sound. Any ideas???


Staff member
You're probably right...not enough water and water circulation. What size tank do you have, how long has it been set up, have you had these fish doing ok then suddenly have this problem?
Give some info about your tank. Also, get your own test kits and test yourself.


Staff member
Well, more like some real pumps. Airstones don't do much in marine tanks.



Originally posted by Beth
You're probably right...not enough water and water circulation. What size tank do you have, how long has it been set up, have you had these fish doing ok then suddenly have this problem?
Give some info about your tank. Also, get your own test kits and test yourself.

Yes, the fish were doing just fine and now this, all of a sudden. This morning when I woke up, my Foxface was dead. The top fins on my Undulated are totally gone damn near. My Groupers are sitting still, Picasso is non-active, and my Soldierfish is moving around like nothing is wrong. I called my LFS and they told me to take them out and bring there and let them keep for a few weeks until I resolve this. Here's a pic of my Foxface about 3 days ago. WTF!!!!!!!!!


Staff member
IMO, canister filters do not provide enouogh water circulation. I would add powerheads.
Also, you have some aggressive fish in there, and this could well have been the problem.
That fish looks somewhat emaciated. Was it?


I have all aggressive fish in there, but they dont bother each other. I just added a airstone to see if it helps. Hopefully it does.


My coral beauty also stay at the top of the tank right under the filter most of the time. Why is that? All of my other fish have their own little hiding places at the bottom of the tank but not him.