Fish has cloudy eyes


I used to have a Rankin Cod (Western Austrlia)to see a picture go to <a href="," target="_blank">,</a> but had to sell it as it ate my Damsels. It however had cloudy eyes and would rub itself. There weren't any spots or marks, was off colour though, is it just bad water is it some disease or parasite, didn't know water quality


the cloudy eyes are a sign of either trauma or a bacterial infection. Since the fish was "off color" I would do two things1) check your water quality, if its suspect thats why your fish is looking bad (stressed out), and 2) if your water quality is good, then suspect a possible bacterial infection.
A simple solution is doing a few water exchanges, toget your water parameters back in line. If this doesn't clear everything up you might want to remove the fish and treat him w/ a broad spectrum tissue-soluble antibiotic in your quarentine tank (like furazon or SW maracyinII). However check your water situation first.