Fish hasn't eaten in 4 days! Help!


New Member
55 Gal fo no inverts hospital tank 9 differant fish. Coral Beauty in bad condition. He hasn't eaten in 4 days,is looking very pale lithargic behavior,rapid breathing. No spots on him but yellow tang had some black spots.Freshwater dip on both last night for 3 min. Yellow tang back to normal but coral beauty is still not any better. All fish had ick about 3 weeks ago and possible bacterial infection so my fish store said. Treated with coppersafe and maracyn and they recovered until 4 days ago when the coral beaty started acting funny. I am still using coppersafe and maracyn but no improvement.Please tell me how I can somehow get beauty the nourishment he needs if he won't eat.


New Member
Oh yeah!I put a tank divider in to seperate all the other fish from beauty.I don't won't anyone picking on him when he can't defend himself,which he can't.Iam also keeping the lights off except for feeding time and a few minutes there after.


New Member
Thanks for the reply and info.The reason I haven't done the hyposalinity thing yet is because I am not really sure how to do it yet.I know there are lots of things posted on here about that but I haven't gotten to one yet.I am really scared to do that but I am willing to try it if you think my fish can handle it.He is VERY weak.Previously I said that he hadn't eaten in 4 days but looking at my calander(after I posted my question of course)I realized that it has been 6 days.I got an eardropper and filled it with formula 2 just trying to get some food in him and it WORKED!He ate some.Not much but some.I was really surprised that He let me do that.I just took it very slowly and waited for him to let me know with his head when he wanted some more.I also think he really appreciated it.AM going tomorrow to get the maracyn 2.


New Member
Do I need to remove the coral beauty from the 55 gal and put him in another tank by himself since he seems to be the only one having problems now and treat him accordingly? What about my other fish in that tank? Their 4 weeks of treatment for the origional ick problem are almost up. Can they go back in their 75 gal tank? My yellow tang showed signs of black ick and after a freshwater dip they have since dissappeared. All fish have been in copper for 3 1/2 weeks and seem to be doing fine but the yellow tang is looking a bit skinny. He is still eating though. Should I continue with the copper treatment longer? What about the maracyn 2? Should I treat all the other fish with it also? :confused:


New Member
Coppersafe seems to have worked great on the other fish - yellow tang, blue tang, Koran angel, flame angel, mandarin, sleeper goby, firefish, hermit crabs hanging in there too! They will all go back in 75 gallon main tank in a few days. Everyone is eating great! Coral Beauty is now in 10 gallon quarantine per your instructions. Fed him formula 2 with baby syringe before moving him. Lowered salinity and will continue to do so. He just looks so pitiful laying on the bottom on one side! He's a fighter though! I hope he pulls through! Best looking Beauty I have ever seen! :D Thanks for all the help! I will continue treatment and probably add Maracyn2 also. Once again thanks! :)