fish hate garlic


ive been soaking their food in actual garlic juice, not store bought like kent makes and my lionfish who used to eat anything, wont touch it, hell go after it like he is hungry, but then instantly spits it out, and i soak frozen brine shrimp in the garlic and the others will eat it, but not as much as they used to or as quickly like they dont like it
any trick to this or is natural garlic juice too strong for them and need to be dilluted like kent makes? ill go buy some if thats what it takes, im battling ich right now so having them eat in general is very important


Active Member
When I "soak" food in kents garlic I soak it with ONE or TWO drops is all... not a splash or more... might be overpowering.
Be like eating a whole onion to us instead of just a ring or two on a burger.


thats what i figured, just too strong, thanks for the input(i know i posted this in the wrong area, noticed after it was too late)


Active Member
If they are already eating good, I wouldn't dose garlic everytime either -- the day you run out may be the day they won't touch anything without garlic.
My schedule of feeding right or wrong is when I feed (no particular day or order)
Flake - no additives cuz I'm lazy when I feed flake.
Pellet - already has spiriluna (spelling?) in it for the tang.
Mysis -- add .5ml of selcon to the food
Brine - 1 or 2 drops of garlic
My fish/shrimp/star/etc are always hungry and not picky whatsoever though :)