Fish Hiding


New Member
I have a 120 with a volitian lion and a foxface and a baby brown banded bamboo why is the lion and the foxface alwayss hididng in a tank with not that many inhabits in the plz

small triggers

Active Member
do you have enough space for the shark?? FTS ...also what are your parameters, how long have you had this set up, how long have you had the inhabitants, what do you feed, what is your lighting....??? we need more information to give you an idea of what is happening...


Active Member
I have a lion and a foxface long with some other guys in my swim and tank and the lion is out because he is too big to hid, but the foxface will come out and hide at different times. He is usually out when he wants food. Is this lion a little baby guy or is he like 5+ inches?? I know that sometimes when they are small, they are a little shy. Also, how long have these fish been in your tank, and how long have they been together?


Active Member
If they are that new, that is probably why they are hiding. your lion is still a little bit small, so he is probably still shy. Maybe after a while, he will loosen up and start coming out and being more social.


Active Member
68 degrees is rather chilly, IMO...why so low? How long has the tank been cycled? Watch closely for ammonia with adding such large fish.