Fish Homicide


New Member
When I came home last night, my 2.5" neon velvet damsel was missing. After searching through all the rock and everywhere, I have concluded he was eaten. It was a pretty easy conclusion to make since my blue-spotted grouper's stomach is swelled like no other. I just can't believe he did it though. The grouper is only about 4-4.5 inches. Theres no way he could have fit the damsel in his mouth. I am thinking that maybe the 4" niger trigger killed the damsel and then the grouper ate it. There is also a really small snowflake eel in the tank. Anybody have any input on what they think happened?


Same thing happened to me quite awhile back...I had a blue damsel that had been with me since I cycled. One day it dawned on me that the damsel is gone...Morty (golden tail moray) had a huge smile on his face while letting out a huge belch.
You will never know who or what killed's not worth trying to figure it out because it could have been any one of the fish you mentioned. Sorry for your loss.


The grouper deffinately ate it,they can eat fish that are half the size of them easily,their jaws expand.I had a miniatis grouper go threw a whole tank of 2" damsels,when I put the grouper in the tank he was 3", 2 months later when I got rid of it it was 6".


New Member
Yeah I know he can expand his jaws like no other, and I know how much he can expand his jaws. He can't do it enough to get his mouth around this damsel though. It was a big one. The weird thing about this is that all these fish have been together for months and none of them have ever even looked at the damsel, much less chase him.


Sorry to hear about your loss. One day a long time ago, I bought a huma huma trigger and it was the same size of my niger triggerfish. They were getting along for mos. and then one day I woke up and found my Niger triggerfish, near death all scarped up, bleading, and laying on the ground, and found the huma in the Niger trigger's cave. As you can see, fish can get a long for a long time, and then, well you know....


Have you looked outside the tank, around on the floor. I had a clown fish that found a small opening in the top of the tank and out he went. I found him months later on the floor behind the tank. YUCK!


i say you question each suspect individually, some fishy lie detectors wouldnt be a bad idea either.Detain em all until one breaks the just had to make a joke about the posts bet is that it was the eel.......lock em'