Fish ID please!!!


I have these fish in an aquarium my son caught them in a cast net. Can anyone help me ID these guys? I think I have 3 different types of fish!



Active Member
I always called them pin fish when I lived in florida... great for bait for speckled trout or cats.... but I also had some in a tank for awhile when I was too broke to afford fish :)
At least "I think" it's pin fish from the pictures... hard to tell and it was over 10 years ago too.


LOL they would be pin fish thank you! Any tips on keeping them in the tank, bad, good or indifferent? I've been feeding them spirulina cubes which they gobble up happily. Right now its those guys and some base rock plus a few urchins.


Active Member
I loved having them... theyre active, eat anything and very hardy... now to put anything in with them... .ehhh.... I'd be cautious. I don't know how aggressive they are towards other fish but they aren't your typical ornamental fish either.


Hmmm.. and since they aren't generally kept in home aquariums there isn't any info on compatibility anywheres... I did find someone on here who has an 11" pinfish! I guess I'll let them acclimate to the tank and surroundings for a couple weeks and think about introducing someone else!!!