fish id


ok newbie here, i was at my lfs and i saw a fish i really wanted some more info on and i didnt ask what it was because i was in a rush and it did not have a name on the tank, it was yellow and look like a type of puffer, it had four spines coming off of it any one have an idea? thanks


yulp that was looks really cool, i see that it is hard to keep...i just wanted to know little more about it...thanks again


Active Member
They do not like to be in a tank with anything aggressive. They get pretty large, and when frightened or stressed, they can release a toxin that could wipe out everything in your tank. They are mainly carnivorous, but definitely need some greens and seaweed in their diet.
Definitely not a good beginner or easy fish.


Active Member
that was one of my first fish, had him a little over a year, the little bugger was so curious, so courious it got him killed
not sure how he did it but he got the sponge filter think off the maxi jet and it sucked his face into the intake and he was ther for hours, i finnaly saw him there i got him off and it looked like he had a huge hickey (sp) on his face , a few hours latter he died
also im not sure how he did this either but he broke one of his horns half way off
cool fish lots of personality but couriousity killed the fish (get it)