Fish ID


New Member
I bought a fish that I thought was a unicorn tang. Suprize it isnt.
In the store he was in a tank with no live rock. I put him in my tank at home and he got color WOW!!
you can look at him here
Thanks all :)
I think I know what he is it is a tang that starts with vla.
He is gonna be a big boy so I guess I better get a little more saved up for the 250 bow I have always wanted he is gonna need it!!!!!!
Thanks again


Active Member
It could still be a type of Unicorn, Naso hexacanthus.

Or an Elongate Unicornfish:


New Member
Elongate Unicornfish do they have blue spots?
I looked around and it looks like it might be a I dont know how it is spelled but it starts with a Vla
Either way I think I got a good deal I only paid 30 for him


Yep, looks to me like it's still a type of Unicorn Tang. I noticed yours doesen't appear to have a horn yet. Wait till it approaches 6 inches long or more, if a horn starts developing, it is most definately a Unicorn. Only way I know of to tell for sure :)


It's a tang. The name starts with a V. It's a juvenile and will look completely different when it is mature. Don't worry though, it will look awesome as an adult too! I love mine!
Sorry, I have the worst time with the name. Someone did post it here a couple of weeks ago. You could also do a internet or marine fish book search on tangs...


You have a Vlamingi (sp) Tang. Mine is about 8" long. It is a type of unicorn tang. The males will grow lyretails when they reach adult hood. They are very peaceful fish and extremely hardy eaters. As a matter of fact, they are pigs. I love mine and I you will love yours.:D