Fish Ideas for a 30 Gallon Reef

blue dew

This is my first time posting on this forum, but I felt it was appropriate to my questions. I'm still in the process of cycling my tank, although its getting closer everyday. Just waiting for the nitites to drop a bit more and remain at zero for awhile.
My question is on appropriate fishes. I know already from reading this board and a number of books that Tangs and Mandarians are out, so I've no intentions in that direction. The same with the exotic stuff like Lionfish, Puffers, Angels and Eels. I would definitly like a Royal Gramma and have intentional set-up some caves and ledges with the live rock with this fish in mind.
The other fish I'm considering are Clownfish and possibly Neon Gobies. My LFS has indicated that some clownfish do best in pairs, and so do the neons. I don't want to overstock, since I do plan on some non-sps corals and inverts such as peppermint shrimp and a skunk cleaner shrimp.
I guess my question is, would one Royal Gramma, 2 neon gobies and 2 clownfish be too much? I know the gobies don't get very big. As for the clowns, I'm interested in either the false pers or clarki's.
By the way, the tank has about 35 lbs of liverock and a 2 1/2 to 3" sandbed. I'd appreciate any advice and am grateful for the the help I've already been given.


Active Member
your choices sound fine i would maybe get a pair of green chromis and I might add a dwarf angel once the tank is a bit older


I won't go with the royal gramma personally. I think they are quite aggressive sometimes. False pers are less aggressive than clarkii and I would suggest that over the clarkii. As for a dwarf angel, if you wanna add one, a cherub (Centropyge argi) will do fine IMO since they won't outgrow your tank, but angels you never know if they will touch your corals.


5 fish would be about the limit. Go with the Percs, they are smaller and the Gramma is fine. I have one in my 30.
Sounds like good choices.
There are lots of awesome smaller fish for smaller aquariums.
What ever you choose, just be sure to know their requirements and compatibility before you buy.
Good luck


Active Member
RG, 2 neon gob. and 2 percs ( wouldn't recommend clarkis). Let's see....once you allow for water displacement caused by L/R and L/S, my estimate is that you have about 23 gallons of actual water in the tank. I also estimate you have about 14 inches of adult fish size w/ fish suggestion. That comes out to 1.64 gallons per inch of fish....this is too many inches of fish for water available, especially in a new tank. You should be at 10 inches of adult size fish. This basically means the RG, and 2 choices anyway. When all is said and done, 30 g tank is not very big for a s/w tank but understanding everyones limitations, it can work as long as not overstocked. My 2 cents.
ANother suggestion is to add them slowly. Perhaps the 2 percs first thenif all is going well 2-3 weeks later the RG. Good luck.