Fish Identification


New Member
Well, I lucked out last week as my LFS decided to sell everything, and not be in the business anymore. They sold all of their stock and everything for the store except for the personal 75 gallon tank that they didn't sell anything out of when they owned the store. They called me at 7:00 am on a Sunday morning and asked me if I wanted the tank and everything in it. I thought they were kidding, but they said to come pick it all up. I went over and started with the live rock, and the 4 fish that were in the tank (gold striped maroon, a dottieback, a marine betta, and a tang). All of the fish and some of the rock ended up going into my 220 gallon tank, but I am curious if anyone knows what kind of tang it is. They said it was a "Hybrid Tang", but I really don't think that it run's on both gas and electric (OK, I'm not funny, but I thought I'd give it a try). Does anyone know what it is? I'm going to also post a picture of the dottieback to see if anyone knows what kind that is also. Thanks in advance.