fish identity problems


Well-Known Member
If I had to guess I'd say some type of Dart fish from the shape of the body and the two fins that are pointing downward in the second pic. Whatever it is, it's not common to the hobby.


Your fish photo is somewhat blurred. So, I can't distinguish well but it look like silver tipped shark catfish.


New Member
I know the puctures are blurry but hes really active and never feeakin holds still. He cant be a catfish, he has no whiskers.


Well-Known Member
Whatever it is, it looks like it's growing pretty fast. Is that really the same fish? It looks cool, I've never seen one before. Something tells me that it could turn into trouble though.


Ya its amazing how much it grew. It looks like it will get really big if it continues to grow at this rate...


Does the top of the head have ridges/sucker appearance like the pictures above or is it like a regular fish head. Also, is there a thin line of spikes that are flush with the top of the fish unless you make it mad and then they pop out? I think I know what you have but I need a little more info. If it is the remora it will have a big underbite.


I looked at the picture again and I am almost positive that you have a baby Cobia in your tank. The reason I say this is because as juveniles, Cobia's and Remora's are almost identical. The biggest difference other than the head is the body near the tail. Remora's are really thin before the tail, Cobia's are not. The first pic (fishing rod in background) is a Cobia. The other is a remora.


If it turns out to be either of the two it is definitely not a home aquarium fish. The cobia especially as it can get very big.


New Member
Well I took some more pictures of him because he decided to hold still. Idk which one he is. He has a flat head and tijy spines on his dorsal fin
and also a picture of him and the lion fish :)


New Member
Well its settled. Hes a cobia. Well see how long he can stay in the tank and then maybe we'll eat him. Thank you guys. You've been very helpful.