fish in central NY


looking to get back into the reef and am getting rid of all questionable "reef safe" and those definitely not reef safe. I have pictures I will post later. up for grabs:
niger trigger
koran angel
blue damsel
blue headed wrasse
either one of these: maroon clown 1 with gold stripe or 1 with white stripe. I just want a matching pair.
I am open to any and all offers. I'm looking for inverts, LR, powerheads, lighting, etc, etc, etc.


If you are getting into corals i have a bunch for sale now. Mostly zoos and palys so they are great beginer corals. Also I live just in Buffalo, NY so we are close. I also have a bunch of PC/T-5 ballasts for sale as well.


anyone interested in just taking them off my hand. would love to get something for them but it may not happen. I'm going to call the lfs first to see what they would offer and then it's out to the public. clowns are heading back to original owner when he gets his setup going.