Fish in one tank


How many fish can you house in a 55 gallon tank. Right now I have:
2 Pearscale Butterflies MED SIZE
1 Clown SMALL
1 Porcupine Puffer SMALL
1 Regal Tang SMALL
1 Damsel Small
1 Pygmy Angel SMALL
1 Shrimp
1 Hermit Crab
1 Choclate Chip Star
1 Sea URchin
Do you think I have too much.
I think so but most of the fish were for free a friend of mine was closing up his tank so I took them instead of him discarding them


Active Member
You're right in your assessment that there are too many fish in your tank. I think it would be in the fishes’ best interest for you to take the regal tang, puffer and the butterflies to your LFS for credit. Even as juveniles, they need more swimming room than a 55 gallon can provide.
With those fish gone, you would be able to eventually add a couple fish, but you need to stick with ones that stay small. Hope this helps!
about the biggest fish you should go with is maybe a coral beauty, (5" or so), i wouldnt get anything else in its size range, i would say you could get away with 1 med sized fish (coral beauty sized), and maybe 4 smaller fish (like perc clowns, fire fish, gobys, blennys, stuff like that) just make sure that all the fish you do go with will get along.


I also found out on here I am over stocked. I am upgrading though but still finding a new home for my Yellow Tang. Right now I have a smal clown, a small huma huma and a small Yellow tang in a 55. I am moving up to a 75 but still getting rid of the yellow tang.


I would get rid of that porky. He will just get huge and bring down your water quality. You will find him attacking your inverts as well.


yes you are over stocked.
i would make some adjustments to ur fish list and get rid of the tang and butterflies and the porky or trigger. you could probabyly take one of these fish like the butters porky or a tang could survive for about a year untill he gets about half of his full grown size. and build you tank around that one central fish to make sure everything runs smoothly aand theres no fighting with the fish. just a reccomendation but it would be a good idea to pick one of those fish that you really like and build the other fish around it and get rid of the fish that wont fight with it or overstock your tank and give you a huge bioload.