Fish info on a type of puffer


Does anyone have a Saddle Valentini Puffer sometimes know as a Valentini Toby. I got one today and don't know that much about him. He is very cute. Any information would be helpful. He is very small right now maybe a half inch big.

marlins #1

Is the Puffer, the same as the reffered BLOW FISH.
If so I have 4 in tottal but 2 different types.
They are nice, one always has his spikes a little up
the rest you can bearly see them
nice blue eyes


he eats mainly frozen foods (brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, krill, mussel, squid). he will peck at and eat any invertebrates that you may have in the tank with him.
they are cute. :happyfish


I handle the puffers at work a lot.... there's a gold meleagris puffer that lets me cup him in my hand and pet the top of his head. I don't think that the poison that is in their skin is harmful unless you actually ingest their skin... or if they were to die in the tank, you would have to take it out immediately so it wouldn't poison the other fish.


I'm with Kitty, I've caught hundreds puffers, sharp nose, dog face and porcupine, I probably even had cuts on my hands as I often did while diving. I'll admit, I never put my hands inadvertantly in my mouth, but I probably have eaten without washing after catching fish.
I also have a porcupine puffer at home. When ever I have to move him, I always catch him by hand to avoid getting his spines caught in the net. 26 years of diving and 34 years of fish handling, I've never been made sick by one yet.
I'm not saying that it couldn't happen though...

marlins #1

I had him for a week, but in my neighbors tank, last night I brought him home, didn't really have anything to feed him.
So in the freezer I kept some dead fish and I cut them up.
Stuck my hand in the tank, and hand feed the porcupine puffer (blowfish).
That was nice. He's so nice to me, had to take him out of my friends tank because he was eating the tips of the serpent star fish.
Hand feed your fish, its nice..

marlins #1

Im sorry, I have this type of Puffer and here are all his Details.
The Spiny Box Puffer is also known as the Striped Burrfish. It has a tan to yellow body with dark striping, and short, fixed spines which help protect it from larger, more aggressive fish. Its teeth are actually a fused beak-like structure.
A 70 gallon or larger aquarium is suitable, provided it is a fish-only tank with plenty of room for swimming. The Spiny Box Puffer is nocturnal and will hunt for its food at night. It is known to nip at slow-moving fish and long-finned fish, but is not aggressive with others in its own family. It will eat invertebrates found in a reef tank.
Its diet can include a variety of finely chopped meats such as shrimp, squid, clams, enriched krill, preparations designed for herbivores. Feed no fewer than 3 times per day.


As far as I know, puffers don't release poison from their's contained in the flesh. Boxfish are the ones we have to worry about as far as poisoning the tank...I had a large one a few years ago that killed everything in my tank except for the shrimp.
Boxfish are really cool though...I've since gotten a blue-spotted boxifish and think he's great...lots of personality.

marlins #1

My friends Puffer just died, and his other one is sick, know any way to keep him alive, or anything else to do quickly.
I am going to help him change his water tommarow.
His amonia is too low I think, or high, got to test it again, and stuff like that. This has never happened with him, had 4 fish die in 2 days. Over $70. worth. We'll see we'll see.
Yeah but see if you can recommend me any fish medicine or stuff like that, and I will check my local aquarium or pet store.
You can also tell me where to find it on the web or link me up.


medication should be a last resort.
there's really nothing that we can tell you unless you give us some details on the tank.
Is it a brand new tank? What kind of puffers? What other fish died? Was the tank cycled before he added fish? Did he acclimate the fish well before putting them in? What's the ammonia, nitrates, nitrites, ph, etc. What other fish are in with him? What type of filtration, is there a lot of agitation on the surface of the water so that the water is properly oxegenated? Does he do regular water changes? etc.
Just give us some more information.
Oh... and, you can't have too LOW of ammonia. Ammonia is like poison in a tank, you want it to be low, or nonexistent, period.

marlins #1

Thanks for the information, right on point.
But there is alot of Fish Medicine in the markets and out in pet stores or aquariums, so I just wanted to see if anyone used them before and or can recommend, I am at my last resort.
3 Yellow Tangs died, and one of his Porcupine Puffer died, now the last Porcupine Puffer is left.
And he isn't swimming much at all, hanging out still in the floor or bottom of tank.
Im sure its his water, its clean and all but somethings wrong I bet, I will get you all the details to see if you or someone can help, we're planing to change the water anyways tommarow, Sunday.
But I still want to know for we can prevent this from happening another time.
I will put the tester in the water and tell you the results.


There is usually always a solution to things without using medicine.
The only medicine that I have ever used in my tank is copper, and that was to kill ich, and simply because I do not have a reef or any inverts.

marlins #1

Today while in the store, the owner recommended that I change my water before using the ICH medicine and after use.
Is that true, I didn't purchase it because my fish really don't have much signs of ICH, just wanted to give them a little medicine to make sure, but Im not going to change my water.
I just finished doing so this weekend, and I sett up my friends fish tank, im tired of all that.
My tank is up and looking great, don't want to be stressed, plus, isn't STRESS what causes the fish to grow or get ICH, and thats what will happen if I change the water or take them out of their home..
LET ME KNOW HOW DOES COPPER WORK or what other way to kill ICH, something Easier.


Copper works, but it will stay in your water forever, and it will kill any invertebrates that you have in your tank. (corals, crabs, snails, starfish, etc.)
Don't use ich medication unless you see signs of ich. Your tank will become immune to it, and eventually, it won't kill anything.


Active Member
You Valenti Puffer is a very good fish. They generally back off from other fish, but their natural diet is usually inverts. They WILL eat snails, shrimp, crabs and other inverts. Their skin is poisenous, but only is ingested. It is their natural defense so that fish will not eat them. The porcupine only puffs up to look bigger and scare away other fish, but their spines do not inject poison. All puffers can puff to a certain degree, but your velanti will not. I had one myself, but bought a nice cleaner crew and had to get rid of him. I love puffers, but I also love colorful fish and inverts, so I had to do what was best for the tank. He will make you a nice community fish, you can touch him. Just dont pierce his skin and you will be fine. Also, take him out when/ if he dies, cuz yer fish will poke at him and they will die too. Have a nice day.

marlins #1

My SPINY BOX PUFFER Is a community fish, doesn't bother anyone, never caught him eating or trying to eat a snail, or hermit crabs, and so on.
Im sure he would eat any pretty shrimp and stuff like that though, unless its the aggressive type..
The one I am having problems with is the SHRIMPGOBY.
I NEEEED HELP............
It has come clear that they don't get along with Each Other.
Or I might have gotten unlucky and got the ShrimGoby from hell.
He has already killed a small Shrimpgoby by biting him continuesly, and now Chases another one its same size...
To me he seems like the Male and the other one I have remaining that is the same size as him, about 3 inches, is the female, but why try to kill her.
I have him right now in a Fish Trap in my fish tank for he won't harm anymore fish....
This is the second time I have to do that with him.
The first time was because he attacked and killed the smaller one.
And this time he is trying to kill the female..
He killed 3 Basslets today also..
Let me tell you the story, today I woke up and saw 1 basslet dead, and found the Female Shrimpgoby.
I forgot all about her, and I look into my fishtank for about 1 hour every day. And I have not seen her in an entire week.
So today I wake up and there she is, and there he is chasing her and trying to bite her, so she would swim to the top and try to stay there.
And that is odd, you can tell she is scared and trying to protect herself because they usually stay at the bottom all the time..
All I can say, is that they are incredible Hiding fish, They are all in my temporary tank and its small and only has like 1 rock in there, so I don't know how she hid for an entire week without beeing seen..
But yeah, what do I do..Is there something I don't know, what they don't get along with each other.
I know he can't mess with my damshell, they're too fast and agressive, but any other small fish has been eaten or so.
Ohh and I caught him with a snail in his mouth, kind of dumb because they have a hard shell, but he was trying to eat it.
I feed them enought, flakes, pellets, and brine shrimp.