Fish/inverts for 12 gallon nano


New Member
Hey Everyone,
I just recently bought a 12 gallon nano tank and I am ready to put some fish in my tank. My tank has now been running for 3 weeks and it had gone through its cycle when all nitrite, nitrate and so on levels are in the normal range. I have 20 lbs of live rock with live sand in my tank with a few hermit crabs running around. Does anyone have any recommendations on what kind of fish I should put in this tank. Like everyone else, I would like to create a colorful setup that would be fun to watch, but I don't know which creatures I should put in it. Any recommendations on what fish to get, what kind of clean up crew should I have, how many fish i should have and so on... Look forward to your responses.


Active Member
Clown fish are good starters for small tanks. They are peaceful, hardy and easy to take care of. Don't expect to put many fish in a tank this small. In reality you may only be able to keep 2 and be healty. I would recommend a clown fish and a small damsel at most. I like turbo snails in my clean up crew. You could probably keep about 5 in there.