Fish, inverts where they are..


New Member
70 gal mainw/ built in wet/dry new to me. Bought it running w/ 2 clowns, red hawk and 50lbs of live rocks. added from broken 55gal 3 snails 2 stars 1 hermit 1 goby 1 sea cucumber...
my holding tank was what was left of my 55gal after it broke..
25 gal long rec. trigger, lion, striped hawk, blk coral angel, yellow tang. undergravel filter run by power heads w/gravel/rocks from 55 and my wet/dry sump with my remaining rocks. I had salt at .20 than I noticed the ich so went out and bought a 10 gal for my inverts. dropped the salt to .09 in 25 gal.. last week I got the 70 gal. and waiting to put every body back in there.. I had little time to set this up cause water, sand, glass was everywhere and I had everything in bucket. Thank god I was home and always keep a garbage can full of water I will never buy a glass aquarium again!!!